martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Entrevista a Lenny Wolf (Versión en inglés) - LENNY WOLF INTERVIEW

INTERVIEW: LENNY WOLF (Interview published in This Is Rock Magazine - Spain)

-    Hi Lenny! Less than a month ago that "Outlier" is on the street, the first Kingdom Come album which includes original material since "Magnified." For the moment, how about acceptance is having?

The reactions so far have been surprisingly well. It seems that many folks finally get the concept I’ve been striving for. But I also must admit that my recording (technical skills) have improved, which is probably also making a difference. But then again, who knows.

-    Call enough attention that despite having a stable and consolidated group,
you're in charge of recording all instruments, saving collaborations with Eric Foerster in the solos. This is already the sixth album in which you take care of everything. What is the reason why you have taken this dynamic?

I was surrounded by a lot of great players but unfortunately never found my perfect match in terms of “creating” like for example a Lennon/Mc Cartney – Page/Plant – Young/Scott – etc.. That has forced me to become more self controlled to get things done in a way I felt necessary. For the better or worse, who knows, but I got to continue my mission called Kingdom Come until the almighty is kicking me into a different direction.

-    In the album you can find very different sounds, but the truth is that you achieve an overall balance very interesting. For instance, "Skip the Cover and Feel" has a riff that could have written Jimmy Page, and yet in "Rough Ride Ralleye" you are much closer to bands like Rammstein or Nine Inch Nails. Has been deliberate, this diversity?

I guess I just got two hearts beating in me. One is caught into the more traditional sound structures, meanwhile the other heart is looking for new elements and is not afraid of dive deep into them. The hard part is to find a functioning bridge between those two worlds. But please keep in mind, I’m not running for presidents office. I just got to squeeze the best out of me when I’m creating. Doing the expected over and over again, would bore me stiff. Not that I re invented the music, but at least I need to try my best to reach new horizons.

-    You have chosen "God Does Not Sing Our Song" as a single, whose video we saw just before the album came out on sale. A song that is, arguably, a bit apocalyptic. What can you tell me about the lyrics you've written for this album?

I think, or hope, that the lyrics do all the talking themselves. I’m just soooo fed up with all those destructive people or leaders, justifying their bad doings by calling it: “In the name of……”! I just wanted to share my outlook on it without preaching or being a smart ass. I don’t have all the answers how to get rid of those evil idiots, but I felt addressing it is the least one can do. Besides I reached a point where I could not stand singing about: “Ooh babe, I do anything for you”, “tonight is the night”, “please don’t leave me”, “it’s party time”, “I’ll rock you ‘til you drop”, blab bla bla bla. I’ve done enough whining for a while. There are enough boy groups out there who can do that much better;-)

-    I would mention as one of my favorites "The Trap is Alive", which perhaps represents the more classic hard rock side of the album. I think it has a great chorus. I know it's difficult, but, what would you choose?

“Today” my favorite is “When colors break the grey”. It changes with the time of the day and how fast I’m driving on the Autobahn;-)

-    You should know that last year I could see you live in the only two dates you did in 2012. Last time in a Sweden festival, and a few months earlier in Kerkrade, Netherlands. Do you remember a couple from Spain that you invited to spend to the backstage ...? I keep a pleasant memory of that night and of those shows.

Oh yes, I do remember a charming couple coming backstage. Does not happen often but I guess the “vibe” was good!

-    What is the reason you play live so little? With "Outlier" in the market, this 2013 Will we see you on tour in Spain?

Honestly we would like to play the planet much more than we recently did, but at the same time we don’t want to play just any dive anymore just for the sake of playing. It has to feel right. We passed on some festivals because I hate playing in daytime. Don’t mean to come of arrogant, but since we’re not as big as for example Metallica, we can’t chose our places and times. I rather watch the birds shit on my boat and wait for the right time. KC is not a party or elevator band. We need the right environment to let the energy flow.

-    There are many people who have heard the first two albums and little else. Do not you feel outraged that after so many years and so many works, some of the other eras of the band are not valued equally?

I don’t take things personally anymore. “Material” success has a lot to do with the right timing and luck. A great song nowadays does not guaranty success. If the Beatles would have released “Yesterday” in 2013, maybe no one would care?! I decided to be grateful for what I’ve been able to do, to see, and continuing to do. Hallelujah

-    I am sure that on more than one occasion you've received interesting offers to reunite the classic lineup, did you ever thought about it?

Actually we just recently talked about coming together again before we all turn into dust. Would be great seeing the guys again who I once shared a very special time with. But right now our efforts have slowed down. Maybe in the near future. Who knows. Everything is possible.

-    Last month we heard the terrible news of the death of the renowned producer Andy Johns, with whom you coincided recording "Burns Like a Star", the first album by Stone Fury. What can you tell me about him?

S H I T !!!!!         I did not hear about it. That is VERY SAD ! He was a very charming and funny guy. When we worked together my English was still pretty bad. He and I still spoke the same language through the music and our “way of life” at that time. I guess I’m reaching that age, where you see more and more people leaving. I hope he is happy looking down to us, laughing at our frenzy behavior. I hope the angels have lots of beer around while he will tell his endless stories.

-    Do you currently hold any relation to Bruce Gowdy? In my opinion you were a great combination of talent. A third album by Stone Fury would be something that would make many people happy. What do you think about?

Have not seen or talked to him in a while. Bruce is and was a great writer. But stylistically we came from different sources. So as I said earlier, I would never say never.

-    You lived a period of great success in the United States in the eighties, but decided to return to Germany in the nineties. Do you think things would have gone differently to have stayed in America?

No idea. Lots of bands from the eighties who still live in the US are not doing that great. I guess it’s a sign of the time. Some tried too hard fitting in, others did not have enough luck, and a few stayed on top through the rough changes during the nineties and 2000’s. Even though I’m a pretty sentimental guy at times, I don’t spend much time looking back.

-    In closing I would like you to say something to all those fans who lost your trail at some point over the years and tell them why they should buy this excellent new album, "Outlier".

Luckily nobody can explain WHY exactly we feel certain emotions when we hear particular songs. I can not say buy my record because it’s great. That would be stupid. Give it a try and see if the KC “Outlier” tone & vibe is kicking your spirit. If so, that would be fantastic, if not, don’t tell anyone;-)

-    Thank you very much Lenny, hope that we will coincide again soon, I wish you all the best with the new album.

Thanks very much !